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8 Tips for Picking the Perfect Kitchen Cabinet Color

8 Tips for Picking the Perfect Kitchen Cabinet Color

Are you looking for the perfect way to complete your kitchen cabinet design? 

You can't go wrong with choosing a stunning color for your kitchen cabinets. The right hue can draw attention to special details, create an inviting atmosphere, and completely transform the look of your kitchen. But how do you decide upon the right cabinet color? 

At Sky Cabinets, our cabinet painting services help homeowners personalize their kitchens with custom cabinet designs. We know it can be intimidating to choose a cabinet color, so we've put together a list of five tips that will help you pick the perfect shade for your new kitchen look. 

Here's how to pick the perfect kitchen cabinet color!

1. Consider Your Kitchen Cabinet Design 

First things first, you need to consider the design style of your kitchen when selecting a cabinet color. If you're going with a more traditional cabinet route, muted hues like cream or gray may be more suitable than brighter colors. 

For a more modern appearance, bold blues, blacks, and grays are great options that can mesh well with any modern-looking appliances or furnishings you choose to install. Once you've determined which colors match your design, you can narrow down your selection.

2. Assess Space & Size 

Next, you need to pay close attention to the space and size of your kitchen when selecting a cabinet color. Darker hues can make small spaces appear even smaller, while lighter shades tend to open up the room more.

So, if you have a smaller kitchen, it's generally best to go for light-colored cabinets, whereas, for larger kitchens, darker colors may help accentuate its size and appearance.

3. Match Your Kitchen Lighting 

One of the more overlooked considerations for choosing a kitchen cabinet color is the lighting in your kitchen. Sunlight can have a huge impact on how specific colors look in space, so take some time testing different paint samples during different times of day. You may find that what looked great at noon doesn't look so good in the evening!

4. Create a Mood 

It's important to think about how you want to feel in your kitchen and choose a cabinet color that creates the mood you're looking for. If you want a more inviting and cozy atmosphere, opt for warm colors like browns or reds. 

Looking to add a little more life and zest into your kitchen space? Try something a little more bold, like bright oranges or yellows.

5. Consider Your Countertops 

Finally, it's always wise to consider your countertops and backsplash when selecting a kitchen cabinet color. You don't necessarily need to match everything exactly, but try to find shades that will complement each other. 

For example, if you have white countertops and backsplash, cool blues or grays might be nice options for your cabinets.

6. Consider Texture & Tone Combinations

When you're preparing food, you are bringing different components together to create a beautifully combined food, and the same is true when you are looking for the perfect cabinet color

You want a combination of shades that bring joy and ease, and because kitchens can be more challenging to paint, adding depth and dimension will emphasize your style, creating a brilliant contrast and finish you will love for years to come.

7. Think of Future Uses 

Your kitchen is one of the main foundations of your home, and you want the cabinets to have a beautiful first impression for guests or potential future buyers. Choosing long-lasting paints and colors that align with your palette and countertop material can help improve the aesthetics and the value of your home.

8. Consult an Expert 

Choosing a color for your kitchen cabinets is a big project, and if you just can't decide which color is best suited for you, working with a professional can make the process easier. Brainstorming beautiful palettes with someone who has years of experience in the field can help you pick a color that leaves an impact and influences your finish, and working with a professional can make the color selection and preparation process easier overall.

Touch the Sky with Sky Cabinets' Cabinet Painting Services! 

These tips should help you pick the perfect kitchen cabinet color that brings out the best in your space. At Sky Cabinets, our team of professional cabinet designers brings decades of experience in selecting the right styles and colors for your kitchen cabinet arrangement. 

When you need expert cabinet painting services in Sheridan, Wyoming, and surrounding areas, contact us online or give us a call at 307-275-6528 today to get started on your new kitchen cabinet design!